Sales & Use Tax Field Auditor POSITION: Sales & Use Tax Field Auditor This position has been filled, thank you for your interest. The St. James Parish School Board is...
Sales & Use Tax Field Auditor The St. James Parish School Board is seeking applicants for the position of Sales & Use Tax Field Auditor to perform field and desk...
Contact the Louisiana Legislative Auditor (LLA) Hotline if you suspect the misappropriation (theft), fraud, waste or abuse of public funds by anyone. Information provided to the LLA Hotline may result...
Louisiana Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday Still in Effect for Local Sales Taxes La. R.S. 47:305.62 creates the Annual Louisiana Second Amendment Weekend Holiday exemption, exempting from sales tax sales...
Sales & Use Tax Field Auditor The St. James Parish School Board is seeking applicants for the position of Sales & Use Tax Field Auditor to perform field and desk...
Request For Information (RFI) - Multi-Parish Audit Program The Louisiana Uniform Local Sales Tax Board seeks information regarding audit firms capable of conducting Louisiana sales tax audits at the local...
Sales and Use Tax Return Filing Deadline Extended for Businesses Impacted by Hurricane Ida. Regarding the ongoing State of Emergency caused by Hurricane Ida, the following parishes will consider requests...
TAX RESEARCH ANALYST The Louisiana Uniform Local Sales Tax Board seeks to hire a technical advisor to the Executive Director regarding sales and use taxes administered by local collectors, assists...
Taxpayer Extensions - Due to the devastation caused by Hurricane Ida and the ongoing state of emergency, St. James Parish is granting extensions to certain dealers/taxpayers in impacted areas. Dealers/Taxpayers...
Taxpayer Extensions - Due to the devastation caused by Hurricane Ida and the ongoing state of emergency, St. Mary Parish is granting extensions to certain dealers/taxpayers in impacted areas. Dealers/Taxpayers...